A never ending story

Me and my best neigbour did/do it for english lesson, but now we enjoy write it, and we will do it 'cause it's never ending...XD

Georgs die

Today, 8 of march 2010, Mr. George Stubborn died in Ratville. He wanted to left all of his money for his grandchildren, but he died before he could divide the money. It makes the begining of the never ending story. The 3 grandchildren(Alice, Alex Betty) started a war for the money.

2010. május 27., csütörtök

9/A-s állatságok

Vers a 30 méterhez

Coopert futunk mindnyájan,
Melegben és párában,
Haza kéne most már menni,
De előbb a menzán enni.

Vár reánk a húsos tokány,
Aj, mekkorát roppant bokám,
Mindjárt itt az idő fele,
Ha nem döglök ebbe bele.